
Alpha Access

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Request alpha access

What to expect in Alpha Group

What you get


Free trial and audits

Access to Radien’s app for free including audits of your component libraries and codebase worth thousands of dollars in compute/API costs.


Tooling for better, fewer components

Tooling to detect similarity and variation between components and replace at scale


White glove service

Meet directly with the engineering team to design and request new features.

What you give



Alpha Group tests and iterates the app with the team. Expect to commit time to meet, but mostly provide async feedback.


Usage and access

Radien is an app you download and run locally. Be willing to run an analyzer on your codebase and take action through your normal deployment process.


Willingness to cover costs in the future

Be open to becoming a paying customer after trial if benchmarks met.

Why us

Code quality through better, fewer components

ai driven

AI-driven audits

Do you even know what components exist in your codebase? Instant inventory of all your components across multiple codebases, where they're used, and how often down to the prop level.
Why us

Code quality through better, fewer components


Reduce and reuse components

Al analyzes how similar components are in function and visually to provide near matches. Replace similar components with code suggestions that flow into git-backed version control.
Why us

Code quality through better, fewer components

AI audits

Component andtoken analytics

Al analyzes how similar components are in function and visually to provide near matches. Replace similar components with code suggestions that flow into git-backed version control.

Code quality through better, fewer components

AI audits

Component and token analytics

Track the quarter-over-quarter performance of your component libraries, CSS, and design systems. Finally, data about front-end technology adoption by product, repository, and code bases.

Code quality through better, fewer components


Reduce and reuse components

AI analyzes how similar components are in function and visually to provide near matches. Replace similar components with code suggestions that flow into git-backed version control.

Code quality through better, fewer components

AI driven audits

AI-driven audits

Do you even know what components exist in your codebase? Instant inventory of all your components across multiple codebases, where they're used, and how often down to the prop level.
Product Benefits

Code quality through better, fewer components

component and token analytics

Component and token analytics

Track the quarter-over-quarter performance of your component libraries, CSS, and design systems. Finally, data about front-end technology adoption by product, repository, and code bases.
Product Benefits

Code quality through better, fewer components


Reduce and reuse components

AI analyzes how similar components are in function and visually to provide near matches. Replace similar components with code suggestions that flow into git-backed version control.
Product Benefits

Code quality through better, fewer components

Ai Driven

AI-driven audits

Do you even know what components exist in your codebase? Instant inventory of all your components across multiple codebases, where they're used, and how often down to the prop level.


Who is eligible for Alpha Group?

We’re in the goldilocks stage of finding the right-size collaborators for the maturity of our app. There are real infrastructure costs to run AI-driven analysis and code generation. We need to find partners with high likelihood of success and openness to convert to a paid account in the future if benchmarks are met.

If you don’t get selected immediately, we will keep you in the loop about future cohorts of early-access users.

What is the process for joining Alpha Group?

We’re handpicking each member of Alpha Group.
1. Talk to us or fill out the form to assess fit.
2. We will complete any company-required process from your side. 
3. Download the app and try it out
4. Set up channels for feedback (usually Slack and a recurring meeting.)

Is my data secure and how will you use it?

We have no access to your code or data. Radien is an app you download and run locally. Radien sends crash logs and telemetry of high-level in-app actions, but that’s it.

How do you change my code?

Radien makes all changes locally and provides a handoff to git-back version control. There's an option to create a pull request to merge changes through your internal process

More usability, less maintenance

Mihir Roy, CTO
comapny logo

"I co-founded Radien because dealing with front-end spaghetti code was the worst part of my job as a software engineer. I now help UI teams go from chaos to clean code."

Backed by world-class investors

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